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A Few Styles for EVERY Naturalista to Try

Hey guys! So today I’m feeling better and I’m going let you guys in on a few hairstyles that you should try if you are currently natural or transitioning. Keep in mind that not all of these styles are extremely easy and will take up a good chunk of your time. So it’s probably best to carve out a weekend to do them.

Faux Locs (also known as silky locs, loc extensions, bohemian locs, goddess locs, etc. )

This is a picture of the back of the regular faux locs I did on myself while I was at school. As you can see, they were lower back length and very full. Installing these took my about 2-3 days and each day felt like it was about 45 years long. I thought I’d never finish my hair then have to miss class, then fail out… Lol yes it got that real.

I did my research on Youtube of course, watching tutorials on the different ways to install them in order to achieve my desired length and fullness. I fell in LOVE with one video in particular, if I can find it again I’ll leave a link. The girls hair was so full with great length that just flowed so freely I had to try them for myself. The video was a favorite of mine because of the method she used. Instead on braiding underneath (which I cannot do) she began with twists and that made it 1000000000 times easier and faster for me. I ended up buying 9 packs of kanekalon hair because my head is big and I like a lot of hair anyway, in addition to 6 or 7 packs of marley braiding hair for the wrapping. I wanted my locs to look a bit more realistic and to have less of a silky look.


After the process was done I was really pleased with myself, because I don’t know many people who can do faux locs on themselves. I know even less people who pronounce the word “faux” correctly but I digress… I kept these in my head for about a month and a half to two months, mostly because I was afraid my hair would dry out and break off during the take down but it didn’t! If you are going to do these, you ABSOLUTELY MUST moisturize your hair with whatever you choose but do not skip this step. If you do, you better hope your hair doesn’t fall out and blow away like tumble weave.

I hope you enjoyed this snippet about my experience with faux locs done a different way than usual. Black hair is so so magical, we can literally do just about everything with our hair and it will flourish. Not to mention the envy we face from other…never mind that’s a discussion for another time.



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